Teeth Whitening


Doesn't everyone want a dazzling smile? You don't have to hide your smile any longer. Dr. Keyes offers professional teeth whitening for his patients.

Before you buy a home whitening kit, call Dr. Keyes' office for an appointment to discuss professional whitening. Most at-home whitening kits cannot provide the desired results for most patients, and treatments can last for days or weeks.

The reason for the disappointing results with store-bought kits is the strength of the whitening agent. The general public cannot purchase whitening solutions that are strong enough to provide the whitening effects they desire. The whitening agents are hydrogen peroxide-based. The strength of hydrogen peroxide needed to get dramatic whitening results are not available in store kits.

Professional whitening has a more potent whitening agent and is only available in a dental office. The higher strength requires the supervision of a dentist to prevent damage to the tooth enamel. The professional whitening agent can provide whitening up to 10 shades brighter in a shorter amount of time, and the whitening sessions only last 30 to 60 minutes. However, dramatic results may take several appointments.

Call Dr. Keyes office to setup your teeth whitening consultation today.