Teeth Cleaning


Proper oral hygiene is required to maintain a healthy mouth. Brushing, flossing, and antibacterial mouthwash are the basis of oral health. The next step in healthy oral hygiene is a professional cleaning, also referred to as prophylaxis, every six months.

Even the most diligent brushing and flossing cannot remove all plaque from the teeth. Some amount of buildup will accumulate, and only professional cleaning can remove all of it. Removal of the plaque and bacteria help to prevent cavities, oral disease, and gingivitis.

Dental cleanings are done by a certified dental hygienist. Certification is given after an intense training program on how to properly use specialized tools for deep cleaning and how to spot problem areas that Dr. Keyes may need to examine.

A professional cleaning begins with the examination to spot any trouble spots. A small scaler is then used to scrape off plaque and tartar from between the teeth and at the gumline. Scaling tends to be the

least liked part of the cleaning process. The importance of daily brushing and flossing cannot be stressed enough, as that alone can help keep the scaling down to a minimum.

When the plaque is removed, the teeth are scrubbed with a special toothpaste that is only available to dental offices. It cannot be purchased over the counter, as it can damage tooth enamel if used more than a couple of times a year. The toothpaste comes in several yummy flavors to choose from, such as bubble gum or chocolate.

The last step is an expert flossing and a good mouth rinse to get rid of any grit or debris still inside the mouth.

Dr. Keyes will then come in and do a thorough examination for cavities or anything that needs a closer look.

Call Dr. Keyes' office to set up an appointment for your professional cleaning today.